Saturday, March 05, 2005
A Few of My Favorite Things...
My name is Suki... I am a nine month old English Cocker Spaniel... I have become obsessed with certain items in our house. I love socks...especially my mom Lisa's socks...especially when they are full of her incredible odour... they make me feel loved, even when she is not around. I love to keep one of her socks in every room of the house, just in case I need one...
I also love boots... especially Lisa's smelly old winter boots...these boots have magical powers of protection...they keep me safe when I am alone and afraid of things like the dark... or whent he cats are picking on me... I try to keep one in my crate, for those special times when I get locked in there... and I keep another one hidden somewhere so that only I know where to find it when there is a crisis.
My other love is protecting our family from attackers... I learned from my friend Anouk that when the doorbell rings, I must rush towards the door and bar alot, to frighten away the attackers... I also have learned to identify attacks of snakes on our possessions...somehow they seem to have the ability to attach themselves like leeches... it is my sworn duty to chew these items up and remove them from the items that they are attacking... somehow Lisa doesn't seem to appreciate the danger I face in fighting with these... she always puts me back in my crate and throws out the remains of the snakes...
Sometimes I am just not appreciated!