Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Update from China

I was afraid to post about this as I didn't have enough information yesterday. I received a short email from Sarah (who is in China) saying that she had been hospitalized. I talked to her this morning and apparently she has some kind of bacterial infection in her stomach.

She is really discouraged and depressed -- she hasn't been able to eat much for the past 5 days and isn't sleeping much. She feels very alone and a bit scared about it all. We had a long talk and I said I would call her back tomorrow to see if she feels any better yet. She was prescribed a ton of antibiotics, so they will need time to be effective.

We discussed the possibility of her coming back home for the first time. I was afraid to bring it up as I don't want her to think that I don't have faith in her ability to do well out there. But it's pretty hard to be sick when you are alone. I basically said that she should take some time to think about her options and we can figure it out in the next few days. She actually enjoyed her first week teaching, but then she got sick.

I am hoping that her meds do the trick and she is ok. Then she can make a decision with a clear mind. I also sent an email to the Canadian embassy in Shanghai, in an attempt to find someone who can contact her and check on her medical situation. Foreign Affairs helps Canadians who have problems in other countries, so I hope they can at least call her there and provide her with some moral support on site, so to speak.

Aww noo!
I'm sorry:(
I'll be thinking of your girl and sending good thoughts her way!
I make sure to always bring my own water wherever I go. And don't always think you can trust bottled water either - they may be filling the bottles with tap water and selling it! And I dont share my bottle of water with anyone - if anyone asks I tell them it has some medicine added to it and the doctor wants me to drink it all - they believe me.

When offered a drink I usually refuse because you never know where the source of the water is that it came from.

We also made the mistake once of drinking water on an airplane (Lufthansa) - actually it was only two of my kids that did this as they had water bottles with them and they filled them up from the planes water supply. Both got very sick - it took them 6 weeks to recover despite the antibiotics etc. Thinking back we realised it could only have come from the plane - God knows where they filled their water tanks - it was an international flight!

She will get better - and be wiser for it :)ButI'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. - let us know how she is.
Oh no, how awful for her to go through this so soon into her adventure. I hope she's feeling better and stronger quickly. Poor kid :(
Poor thing! And you must be going out of your mind with worry. I hope she recovers soon and is able to go back to enjoying her experience. But most importantly, I hope she's okay.
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