Tuesday, February 15, 2005

School Fires

Zoe and Amelia go to the same high school, in grade 9 and 11. Today they got out half way through the day because of a fire in one of the bathrooms. Apparently they were told to leave their belongings in their classrooms and to go outside immediately.

Zoe was upset because she couldn't take her schoolwork (including a project she had worked on) and because it was FREEZING (ie. -15) outside and they didn't have their jackets. Apparently they herded many of the over 1000 students into a neighbourhood community centre... Zoe was able to call her dad, and he came to get her.

This brought back memories of last winter, when my son's school was set on fire. In that case, we were contacted and told that the school was closed (on a Friday) because of a fire during the night. On the news that night, they showed pictures of the classroom which was burned to the ground. I thought I recognized something about the room, and I was right, it was my son's grade one class!

The staff handled it very well - they all came in over the weekend and set up a new class, each donating stuff for them. The poor kids were very upset, but the principal called each family and told them not to worry... and he gave them each a helium balloon when they came back on the Monday.

These poor six year olds lost everything they had left behind that day - shoes, lunch boxes, school work, and the teacher lost everything too. I can't understand why anyone would set fire to a school...except maybe so they could miss a day??

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