Sunday, February 13, 2005

Valentines Preparations

Nina at Nina Turns 40 posted about creating homemade valentines. We used to do that more when the girls were young. Now that Owen is 7, he isn't as interested in making them... so I got him "cool" valentines that have the Simpsons theme. (sure to be a big hit in grade 2)... last week he worked on signing them, etc.

Yesterday, Dorothy was looking for something else that was missing and checked Suki's crate (as she has been known to take things in there to chew them up) and found Owen's chewed up valentines. Actually, I was proud that Owen didn't totally freak out... he handled it very maturely and thought it was even a bit funny...

Tonight, we bought over 100 valentine chocolate hearts for Owen to take to school on Monday because at his school, they celebrate 100 Day (the 100th day at school each year) and it happens to fall on Valentines Day this year....

BTW... guess where we found Sarah's glasses that had been missing for a few days???

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