Friday, April 15, 2005

Candy Heaven

Today, we relaxed as much as possible, as neither Owen nor I slept well last night. This afternoon I had to head down to the courthouse to drop off some documents... what I like to call "Filing Fridays"... so I took Owen with me, and after I was finished there, we had lunch and then went to Sugar Mountain.

This store is incredible - it has every candy you have ever seen - including old favorites from the 1960s and 1970s from when I was growing up. It was so hard for Owen to pick something - he finally went for packaging and picked something that looked like a pail of paint with a paint brush to "paint the candy on your tongue"... He assumed it was orange flavored as it was orange in colour. Unfortunately, when he opened it and tasted it, he didn't like it much. So I ended up sharing with him.

It was a beautiful day here and really nice to walk around downtown. After that, we went over to pick up Jack and Kayla, as they had their first public show tonight of Peter Pan. Zoe was already there, as she had been helping set up the lights all afternoon. They perform the show tonight, twice tomorrow, and the last show on Sunday, which we are all going to see.

So.... is this of the Neil Young Sugar Mt.? He was from Canada... and it's in his song...
" YOu can't be 20 on Sugar Mt."....even if it's not.. I would consider such a place worth of my burial grounds LOL
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