Thursday, May 12, 2005

E.R., Dentists and Banks...Oh My!

This 24 hours has been brought to you by the Trickster... the playful one who adds interesting events into our lives to test our problem solving skills, endurance and ability to laugh in the face of adversity.

Wednesday Night, 9:03 pm
- received a call from a good friend who was at the ER at a nearby hospital
- she had been there for 5 hours already and it was not looking good, possible surgery needed
- she had her two young children with her at the ER who needed to be put to bed
- I went to pick up the kids, brought them home, got them into bed (on our sofas), then went back to see my friend and see what needed to be done.
- contacted her family members who are out of town, the school and daycare where her kids go

Thursday Morning, 3 am
- woke up in the middle of the night with severe dental pain in one of my molars
- called dentist today and made an appointment to get checked out tomorrow morning
- I have an uneasy but strong feeling that a root canal is in my future sometime soon
- God, I hate going to the dentist.

Friday Afternoon, 1 pm
- have an appointment to talk to a banker (who happens to know and like my partner) about a business loan and debt consolidation
- trying to figure out what to wear to this appointment, so that I can suitably impress (without wearing a suit!!)
- goal: to consolidate our debt into one nice monthly payment...???

Well that was one hell of a 24 hours! I hope that your friend is OK - she is lucky to have someone as special as you to help her out. And I hope your trips to the dentist will be painless (if not on your tooth but maybe to your pocketbook too) And the bank to top it off. Wow - one heck of a day!
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