Thursday, June 23, 2005

Pet Meme

Ok, for the first time ever, I am going to start a MEME! I thought I would do a pet theme.

1. What is your favorite type of animal that you have had as a pet?
2. What is the strangest/most different name one of your pets has had?
3. Describe something bizarre that one of your pets has done.
4. Have you ever eaten dog biscuits? (or other pet related products?)
5. Have you ever let your pet sleep with you?
6. Do you take your pet on vacation with you?
7. Have you held memorials for your pets?
8. Have any of your pets worn clothing?
9. Do you feed your pets before you feed yourself?
10. Does your current pet resemble you physically or temperamentally?

Answer the questions, then tag 4 people to answer them on their blog. Let me know in my comments if you play, so I can follow the results.

My answers:
1. Dogs. Especially sheepdogs.
2. Maybe. (my daughter's cat)
3. My puppy Suki (English Cocker Spaniel)sleeps with our cat Houdini in her crate sometimes. She is studying to be a cat. Houdini tried to teach her to stalk and kill birds.
4. No.
5. All the time. (dogs)
6. Sometimes when camping or going to a cottage.
7. When the kids were young we had memorials for every darn fish, bird and hamster that died. Now we are more likely to put it in the freezer so we can study it later.
8. My daughter Dorothy has made clothing for the cats. (Houdini has a ballet tutu)
9. Usually.
10. Our cat Houdini is like me - pretty lazy but a good problem solver!

I have to tag Holly, Lea and Teri.

It took me a minute to figure out that "Maybe" was the answer to the wierd name question -- and it's a winner! And I can totally see all the kids solemnly gathered in preparation for the autopsy.

Thanks for hookin' me up, post is already up over at my place!
Job done!!!! Now folks are going to think I'm a freak!
Teri posted answers at her site... go look! I like Siamese cats too!
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