Monday, January 31, 2005

The Spirit of All that is.....

I saws this interesting description of a conversation between a mom and her son recently about where we come from...

H.o.p. was asking last night why are some girls and some boys and when does it happen. We went through a long talk about it and so he was asking questions about so he was a boy in my stomach? (I say womb, he says stomach.) He wasn't sure if girls might be born differently from boys and I told him about no they were born the same. But he couldn't get the "why". Which is the same kind of "why" as to why one is born in the first place. "Why" was I who I was and "why" was dad who he was and "why" was he who he was. Why, why, why.

And then he said a very funny thing.H.o.p. asked if we were all possibly in a book someone had done and we had come alive within the book and in that way we had come to be. I wanted to make sure I understood what he was saying because his first question was brief, mainly was there a book we came out of.

This may sound like a silly question but it's not. He phrased it in the way he has of phrasing things. He started to get embarrassed when I asked him a couple of questions about what he was thinking because he doesn't like to be wrong and if he gets the idea that he has said something someone may think is "wrong" he'll start backpedaling (I wish he wouldn't do that).

I told him no, no, no, that he was just asking a very complex question. I told him that a lot of adults ask that same question. I told him the "Why" is unknown and I can't answer it, but that I didn't believe we were in someone's book first and came alive in it.

I said I couldn't explain the "how" of being, and that there have been many adults who ask that question.I tell him that the way I and some others believe is that everything comes of Wakanda, the Spirit of all that is. But it's a mystery.


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