Sunday, March 06, 2005

Welcome to the Real World

Poor Sarah rushed to do her income tax return as soon as she got her T4 from work on Friday. She was so excited about seeing how much refund she would get this year, as it was over $1000 last year. Also, she was proud to be able to figure out the forms. (We use the online filing program, but encourage the kids to do it by hand a few times so they understand it)

Unfortunately, she made way more money this year (over $14,000), which really isn't much money (especially in Canadian dollars), but she did work full time this year, for the whole year, and she doesn't qualify for special deductions, like dependents, or being a student, so she ended up OWING MONEY. Not much, really, about $80... but to her, this is the end of the world. She is so upset, and says she won't pay it... no way. And there is a lot of muttering about "who do they think they are, taking my refund?"

This led to a bit of a talk on why we like living in Canada... that we benefit from things like free schools, police, roads, social assistance and HEALTH CARE. It didn't help much... all she could think about was her plans for that lovely refund going up in smoke.

Ah... the young. I did try to mention the idea of having a BUDGET again...but still no bite.

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