Tuesday, April 12, 2005


My step-daughter Amelia, age 17, has outdone herself this past week. This term, 0ne of her courses was a grade 11 Law course. Her teacher had sent a message to me asking if I would consider coming in to talk to the class about law stuff. I sent him an email on Monday, saying that I would be happy to come in. I got a strange, stiff response saying "thanks but no thanks".

The next day, we found out by accident that Amelia had dropped the course. I felt bad, so I emailed the teacher and said... "gee, sorry, I didn't know she had dropped your course." When I asked her why she had dropped it - she said, and I quote, "well... the teacher was lecturing too much - he expected us to take notes!"

I looked at her and said "well, you can say goodbye to university if you aren't willing to take notes"... and she said "who says I wanted to go to university anyway?"

Meanwhile... since January, Amelia has been complaining that her work hadn't been giving her enough hours. This week they booked her in for an extra shift and she had a fit - saying she was going to quit, since it was interfering with her school work.

From what we can tell, she hasn't been going to school much in the past week... and last night she tried to sneak in her boyfriend for a "wakeover" after 10 pm. So we had to confront her and say... "Hello... remember the rule about no late night guests on a SCHOOL NIGHT?" She thought we were jerks for making him leave by midnight.

I think her social life is what is interfering with her school work. It is discouraging, since we had thought she had made a real turnaround from her attitude issues last year. Maybe it's just a bad week????

Ahhh. Teenagers. They are from Uranus, you know.

Funny, but the smartest you'll ever be was age 18. Just ask your teen.
Ah yes.. teens... how about a 24 yo senior in college who just dropped all his classes this semester????? What is up with that???? I'm heading down tot he university to get a handle on what's going on... He's fine..I'm the basketcase
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