Saturday, April 09, 2005

Queen of Libras...

Gina mentioned that she was a Libra. So am I! I found this great description of Libras which absolutely fits me. In summary, Libras like: sharing, conviviality, gentleness and dislike: violence, injustice and being a slave to fashion. (ha.. they got that one right!!) The longer description is so much like me it's amazing. Years ago, I had my chart done, and they found out that I was actually a "double Libra" which means that my birth sign is Libra and my Rising sign is Libra too. This means I am intensely a Libra. You can find out about your sign information here. What Sign are You?

I am a Libra too. And for me it means the frustration of trying to make sure everything in my life balances all the time. I am not happy when things are not just right all the time. And I am always doing my best to try to balance all the people around me too - this doesn't always work.

If I find my self in a situation where things are constantly in a state of unbalance, I will finally just give up- back out and move on to a new situation that is more balanced. The problem with this is that it can make you feel as though you failed in a situation even when you really had no control over it (people don't always want your help in balancing them).
Teri..I know exactly what you mean - I find myself in a "mediator" position constantly ... and sometimes have to walk away from the situation.
I am classic Aries. :)
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