Sunday, May 22, 2005

I have been tagged!

Teri tagged me for that "If I was a... " game... so I will try to do it. The only problem is that I don't remember who has already done it. .. and I am supposed to ask three more people to do it... so if you don't want to do it... (or if you have already done it???) it's ok!

How to Play: You pick 5 of the occupations/activities from this huge list, and finish the sentence. You add 5 of your own ideas to the list... then tag 3 people...

The List:If I could be a scientist...If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter...If I could be a gardener...If I could be a missionary...If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist...If I could be a librarian...If I could be an athlete...If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an innkeeper...If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer...If I could be a llama-rider...If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be a service member...If I could be a business owner...If I could be an actor...If I could be an agent...If I could be video game designer...If I could be a comic book artist...If I could be a hooker...If I could be a crack addict...If I could be a porn star...If I could be a mime...If I could be a domestic engineer...If I could be a chimney sweep...If I could be a masseuse...If I could be a taxi driver...If I could be a priest...If I could be a window cleaner...If I could be a gynecologist...If I could be a world leader...If I could be a healer...If I could be a proctologist...If I could be a carpenter...If I could be a amusement park ride operator...If I could be the manager of an adult bookstore...If I could be Pat Benatar...If I could be a hermit...If I could be a social parasite...If I could be an X-Man...If I could be Paris Hilton...If I could be a movie director...If I could be a super model...If I could be the new pope...If I could be a neurosurgeon ...If I could be a playwright ...If I could be a Belgian ...If I could be a Astronaut/Cosmonaut ...If I could be a Time Traveller ...If I could be a Dragon ...If I could be a fighter pilot..., If I could be a sailor..., If I could be a dolphin.....If I could be a bookworm . . . If I could be a mind reader . . . If I could be a genius . . . If I could be a nymphomaniac . . . If I could be a supermom . . .

My answers: If I could be an amusement park ride operator, I would invite all of my friends and family for a free day. If I could be a painter, I would paint every ugly wall in every downtown city. If I could be an X-Man, I would solve all the crime in the world. If I could be a llama rider, I would travel across every country to meet people everywhere. If I could be a musician, I would play every day at lunchtime in a park for anyone who wanted to hear my music.

My additions: If I could be a gypsy... If I could be a three year old... If I could be a ghost... If I could be a Olympic Gold Medallist.... If I could be Mrs. Depp....

I tag... Holley, Lea, and Valerie.

I was all over that like a duck on a june-bug. Stop by my place and check it out.
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