Sunday, November 20, 2005

Report Cards Revisited...

We finally caught up with Amelia last night. She has been really busy this weekend taking a life drawing course at the local college. We got to see her report card and boy were we pleasantly surprised. She is in three grade 12 courses, and they are not exactly basket weaving courses. She got 80, 84 and 90!! YAY AMELIA!!

We were a bit worried as she hasn't been going to school very much, but at age 18, we are taking a "hands off" / "its your life" approach. As well, this is the girl who barely passed grade 9 (and failed one course that year) gives us great hope for her future, as well as Oliver's.

Excellent grades!

Now go read HP#5 or someone will spoil the surprise before next summer!
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