Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Rear ended...

I was minding my own business, stuck in traffic downtown on my way home and got rear-ended by another car. It hit so hard that I was pushed forward into another car in front of me. I honestly thought it was a truck - when I looked behind me it was just a small sports car. The woman in front of me got out and came to my car and asked me if I was OK. She was really very kind, considering she probably thought that I was the cause of the accident. The evil woman who hit me was not so nice... she claimed that since there was no damage, we should just all go on our merry way... and when I looked at my rear bumper (which these days are made of plastic) it was all cracked. So then we exchanged our personal info, ie. names and phone numbers and we moved on as we were blocking traffic. It wasn't until I had driven away that I realized I hadn't written down her licence plate. Silly me! Hopefully she is an honest person. At least I have the name of the other person, the nice one. :(

Ouch, you will be sore for several days. Glad everything is mostly a-ok!

Cowtown Pattie
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