Monday, January 17, 2005

Same Sex Marriage

Over at Music and Cats, Kimberly has a great post in honour of Martin Luther King Jr. Day... it includes an email from her mom about the Sunday service they attended yesterday. Apparently the minister of a Baptist church in Texas gave a great message about supporting same-sex marriage and equating it to civil rights. After reading quite a few negative, narrow-minded posts on this issue, I am truly amazed and almost cried as I read it.

In Canada, same-sex marriage is a hot topic right now. Our Supreme Court has basically said that our government can no longer discriminate against same-sex couples. This means that now, gay and lesbian couples have the right to make decisions about their partners health care if one of them is on life support, they can get pension benefits, they can have property rights and they can even pay child support!

As our Canadian Parliament moves forward on legislating these changes, conservative fundamentalist groups across our country are fighting hard to keep the status quo. I just don't get it. First, what is being taken from you if someone else gets married? Second, what gives you the right to decide for me or my neighbour what is "moral", "allowable" or "legal". My own philosophy has always been to live and let live, but on this issue, I think I want to be a little more clear.

As a member of the Unitarian church, I believe in these principles of human rights and social justice.

If this message offends you...sorry! I do respect your right to have a different opinion than me.

Many people oppose same-sex marriage because they feel that the traditional family is the root of society. It's a bunch of horseshit, really.

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