Thursday, February 24, 2005

Bell Sympatico Needs a Wake-Up Call

My friend Tamara sent me a note about this recent ad by Bell Sympatico (a Canadian Internet Provider) whose newest ad campaign that uses the slogan:

"You'll do anything to protect your kids from inappropriate content. So will we."

They have used a picture which includes what appears to be an elementary school health/science textbook on a school desk in a classroom. The book is opened to a page with the caption "The Female Body" and it looks like the breasts and genital areas have been erased or cut out. This ad has caused an uproar across Canada from concerned parents, women's groups and teachers.

Sue Richards over at the Breast Blog has written some interesting stuff about the ad and the protests to it.

As a sex educator, I want to ad my comment. I cannot believe that anyone would think it is innapropriate to teach kids about their own sexuality. We are working so hard to give children and youth the message that their bodies are are "normal" and that wanting to know about their bodies is healthy. Most parents want their kids to know this stuff so they can lead healthy lives.

Maybe the execs at Bell Sympatico thought this ad was funny? Well it's not and I have no plans to ever use their service.

Yeah, that is really weird! Not to mention from the feminist pov it is lame. Why should a girl/woman be told that her body parts are inappropriate? The only thing I can think of is that they were afraid to use racier images because folks would flip about a hint of those too? I don't know, They should have went a more comical route, like used a picture of Donald Duck. I mean, the duck does NOT wear pants!
Relaxed Homeskool
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