Saturday, February 19, 2005

touching base...

this week has been nuts... what with work, going out of town, house sitting and the renovation... the house is even more messy than usual... and I haven't had a chance to do normal things like laundry... on top of it all, I am helping to coordinate another OWL weekend training for the youth at our church...

Tonite it started... and I led a workshop on STDs (using m & m's ) to represent the various stds that exist... then we split into subgroups and my teaching partner john and I led a workshop on gender roles.. it was a lot of fun! I just got home and have to get up early tomorrow for a full day and evening of workshops... tomorrow we are doing sexual response cycles, consent, power in relationships, date rape, disabilities, contraceptives... (I think thats it)... it will be a full day... we got a pretty nice group of kids who I am looking forward to getting to know better.

The visits to my friends house to look after the dogs are going better, and dorothy did the visit tonight... and probably will do tomorrow nite too. The dogs seem to like her.

Jonathan will come back tomorrow to finish the wiring for the new bedroom. Hopefully Eric will start the sanding... we still have to do another coat of drywall "mud" (plaster)... then more sanding... then primer then paint... it is taking a huge amount of time, and meanwhile my dad has been staying at my brother's place...

I am tired. Good night!

Gosh Lisa... I hope you didn't use green M&M's for an STD... that would sort of give a whole different meaning to eating them!
green = HIV
red = gonnorhea or chlamydia
yellow = syphilis
brown = abstinence
blue = use of condom
- basically, in the game you walk around and "encounter" people - signing each other's cards - later this is explained to be sexual encounters - (or possibility of) - the point is that only three people in the room has a bag of red, green or yellow m&m's - and their 4 or 5 encounters usually mean they end up with an std... then we have a Q & A session about these infections...
M&M's USE to be my absolute favorite food in the world..... sort of takes the fun out of it~smile~

BUT.. great idea!
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