Thursday, January 20, 2005

This is pretty surprising...

This is a headline today on CTV website...

Canada's military to allow gay weddings on bases News Staff
Canada's armed forces will allow their gay and lesbian members to get married on military bases. The military has drafted a policy calling for its chaplains to formally bless same-sex weddings.

"Members of the Canadian forces are also Canadian citizens, and we must also follow the laws of the land, and the laws of the province in which we reside," chaplain Col. Stan Johnstone, who helped draft the policy, told Canada AM Thursday morning.

"Certainly we have our own military regulations but all of them work together in concert and we have a very socially accepting armed forces." The new interim guidelines allow military chaplains to marry gay couples in the Canadian armed forces. A permanent policy will not be in place until the federal government passes a law redefining marriage.

Col. Johnstone says the guidelines reflect the primary role of ministering to all armed forces members and their families, adding that they're "essentially a statement of the way the law is going." Ceremonies will be permitted on military bases across the country, but chaplains will not have to perform the service if it conflicts with their religious beliefs. They would, however, have to find a colleague to conduct the ceremony.

"Each denomination has its own theological and social perspective on that, no chaplain is required to go against the teachings of their church," Col. Johnstone said. The policy is reflective of a changing Canada, he said. "I think our people understand that the country has changed a lot and it will continue to change, and the armed forces will reflect that," Col. Johnstone said.

Wow! That's a far cry from "don't ask, don't tell," and the people here who are voting to "protect marriage." I really don't understand how allowing any two people who love each other to get married could possibly be a threat to my marriage.
Then I see sites where people are making bizarre (to me) arguments about why same sex marriage is bad for society... I hesitate to link to them because I don't like spreading the hate/ignorance around the net... and I generally don't like making nasty comments on other people's sites... have to think about this one.
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