Monday, June 27, 2005

Canada Day

Canada became independent from Britain in 1867. Unlike many other countries under colonial domination, we didn't have a war to achieve this independence. Not to say that we haven't had wars - we had some early problems between the English and the French which created the current problems with Quebec today. As well, Canada, like many other countries, treated its aboriginal people despicably up until very recently.

Canada is now 138 years old...I remember in 1967 for our centennial, I got to go to Expo 67 in Montreal -- I was 4 years old at the time!

Our flag was created in 1965 after a contest was held to find the best symbol for our country. I think our flag is pretty unique and it is recognized all over the world instantly as the symbol for the "nice" if not boring Canadians!

Canadians are pretty amazing... and talented. We just tend to be shy I think and we don't brag much about our great talents.

Your absolutly right, we are pretty damn cool. Happy Canada day to you, Lisa!
Happy Canada Day. I've learned some new things about Our Neighbors to the North today. You definitely have the best flag (except for New Mexico)and anybody who calls Canada "boring" has clearly never been to the national parks in Alberta.
Happy Canada day then. By any chance, did you listen to our Canada tribute podcast 2 weeks ago? If I had known it was so close I would've delayed it a bit to make it more official!

Kim C from Relaxed Homeskool
We're funny and humble and just a touch snobby. Hope you and yours have a great Canada Day! We're going to the cottage to blow things up and enjoy the Canadian National beverage ;)
Kim... no, my sound doesn't work so I haven't been able to listen to anything lately (even music)

Valerie... blow things up??? cool! owen would love that... I think we will just go down for the fireworks... the best place to watch is in front of the art gallery.
The gallery is a great place to watch! I remember the year we battled the crowds to stand right on the hill (right up near the stage) then couldn't see any of the fireworks because the Peace Tower was in the way.

GT - $70 for a BIG box of boomers :)
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