Sunday, July 17, 2005

New York City Itinerary...

So Zoe and I finally took some time today to plan what we might want to do while in New York City... we came up with the following possibilities:

- Broadway shows (of course- hopefully 3 if we can afford it)
- NBC Studio tour (I did this one with Sarah and Dorothy and it was fun)
- Madame Toussaud's Wax Museum (Zoe loves this idea)
- Coney Island (for Zoe's birthday on Friday)
- Aquarium (Zoe has never been to one - I went to the Vancouver one recently and it was cool)
- Museum of Natural History (I wanted one museum so we decided to do this one)
- China town and Greenwich village (have a meal there)
- Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty

We made a detailed budget - Zoe is contributing about $400 to the expenses, so we can do more activities. We have agreed not to "go shopping" as we would rather see the sites.

Save money for food!

Apropos of nothing, I've been to the real Carcassonne.
I didn't mean that in a dumb, "don't forget to eat!" sense, I meant the food was my favorite part of NYC.
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