Monday, May 16, 2005

The BC Sex Party

OK, so Canada is known for the Green Party (an environmental political party) and the Marijuana Party (the political party that wants to legalize marijuana)... now BC has come up with the Sex Party. Check out their web site.

To realize a sex-positive culture we need to:
a) change our education system
b) repeal sex-negative laws and regulations
c) support sex-positive community.

The Sex Party would establish a comprehensive education program in sexual health and hygiene. But we would go further. We favour a school sexual education program that encourages sexual activity - but in a gradual and disciplined way.

Our youth need to know that sex is enhanced in both the short and long term by a step-by-step process of sexual gradualism, whereby extensive sexual experimentation precedes first intercourse. Virtually every other learning system involves a gradualist approach, and children naturally embrace it.

Instruction in sexual gradualism would teach a teen a way to explore the erotic responsiveness of his or her own body without contact with another person. Teens would also learn how to set the stage for healthy and satisfying sexual liaisons. They would learn, for example, that trust, emotional intimacy, relaxation, and verbal communication are all key to an optimal first sexual experience.

As well, a course in sexual gradualism would teach young people about erotic massage and would emphasize the importance of non-coital erotic experimentation prior to intercourse.

I like their intentions but it seems weird to me to base your whole platform on one concept, especially ones as simple as legalization or sex ed. Couldn't they be combined somehow? I'd vote for a sexy bunch of smokers.
Kim/Relaxed Homeskool
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