Monday, February 13, 2006

Tech update

On Saturday Sarah announced she was buying a laptop. So we went to three stores, compared what they had to offer, and she ended up with a Compaq, 15 inch widescreen, which means it's actually pretty big. But she is happy to have her very own computer, which means now Amelia and Oliver are pretty much the only people sharing a computer. (I use Eric's occasionally as I leave my laptop at work)

The other technological craze at our house is in the form of ipods. Dorothy and Eric both have one, and they both seem obsessed with getting a huge collection of music on them. Personally I don't see the appeal of listening to music when on a bus or out for a walk. Maybe I should try it sometime.

We finished the 4th season of Six Feet Under. Overall we have really enjoyed this show - it is sometimes sad, frightening and disturbing. But it is also very interesting, moving and funny. You can't quite like any of the characters as they all have huge flaws, but you can't help liking them a bit because they are so imperfect. Kind of like real people, eh?

Now we are mostly watching the Olympics. Go Canada!

iPods are a Godsend when you're trapped in the office with a too-chatty coworker :)
I totally agree with you, Valerie. My office has a lot of activity in it and the mp3 player is great for tuning all of it out.

I love to listen while I'm on transit, though. It gives one an added sense of privacy. There are times when I love listening to all that's going on around me but other times, mornings for example, where I just want to relax with my coffee and my podcasts.
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